Over the last few days I have been at a digital marketing conference reviewing the latest developments in marketing your business online and I thought I’d share three of the most important points with you, particularly with regard to marketing your practice.

  1.  The first was that mobile search for services is only going to get bigger.  Almost everyone owns a smartphone these days, even if they don’t own a computer. If your website is not easily used on a smartphone you will miss out on these potential patients.  Making a mobile optimised website is easy, and if you don’t want to do a whole redesign of your website we can make you a mobile dedicated site.  Click here for more information.
  2. The second point was that you need to diversify your exposure to potential patients online. While Google remains the most important sources of website visitors you need to increase your exposure to other sources just in case anything happens to your Google listing (and getting kicked out of Google can happen!) Consider the other search engines like iTunes, YouTube and Facebook.
  3. Lastly, online reviews will become much more relevant in Australia.  Sensis (aka Telstra) has bought the licence to bring the online review site Yelp to Australia.  Now Yelp has been the bane of many practice owners in the USA as they tend to favour sensationalist reviews on their site.  With the recent clarification from the Registration Boards regarding online reviews, now is a good time to start asking your patients for a review about non-clinical aspects of your practice.  Our post here discussed many of the aspect to consider when looking at reviews.

Overall much has stayed the same in marketing your practice.  Delivering useful information to internet searchers continues to be the core of what you need to consider when building content for your site.  If you are ever stuck about what to put on your site, brainstorm the most common questions you get asked in practice and answer them in turn on your site and you will be a good way there.

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