Using Medical SEO for Marketing Your Practice

Using Medical SEO for Marketing Your Practice

The internet has taken over almost every facet of our lives and if you can think it, you can definitely find it online. In fact, your soon-to-patients could be browsing the internet right now, looking for services that you specialize in. Reaching these patients,...
Marketing Larger Practices

Marketing Larger Practices

TLDR; The marketing needs of your practice change as it grows. Making sure your team can effectively manage patient leads is essential to getting a good ROI. Newspapers, other print, radio and TV can all work well in the right situation. Your website needs to be up to...
Why Content Marketing Is The New SEO

Why Content Marketing Is The New SEO

One thing that is vital for any business owner to remember when they start thinking about generating interest and leads online is that Google’s search engine is the number one referrer of traffic on the Internet. The SEO industry has been built atop this fact, and has...
Pick A Niche Or Risk Losing Your Audience

Pick A Niche Or Risk Losing Your Audience

One of the most important things to understand about the behaviour of those online is that there are predominantly two different types of people: one group is made up of people who are just “surfing” and browsing around looking for things that interest them. The...
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